#ReLeafIsComing, Part Two

We are breaking more and more ground every day – from the signage that shines brilliantly, to creating the inviting and engaging interior of the dispensary, to the wiring that will power everything from lights to appliances to hardware – and through all of that we are working to mirror that internal effort with an external one.

To break ground is to advance beyond any prior achievement and start new construction. At Peake ReLeaf, we count ourselves very fortunate to be in a position to bring our expertise back to our home state – but we want to go beyond that. Engaging our community and working to discover new ways to do that is wonderful – but we want to, and will, go beyond that.

Opening a medical cannabis dispensary is not as simple as just choosing a location, putting products on shelves, and opening your doors. We have been working tirelessly to bring the dream of Peake ReLeaf to fruition for more than several years now, and part of our decision to bring it to not only our home state, but the hometown of one of our owners was to make it accessible for the community (through its proximity to local transportation).

Since May of last year we have had our lease and been dotting all of the i’s and crossing all of the t’s involved with the strict policies, procedures and regulations that are required of all medical cannabis dispensaries. There are many regulatory requirements that we welcome because it protects you, our patient, and your access to this medicine. You are coming to us for relief and care, not to be scrutinized for your health care choices – and we have top of the line security in place to ensure your safe access to this medicine.

Peake ReLeaf Signage

There have been instances throughout the country where dispensary owners did not understand the tensions that can actively arise for communities when they allow the industry to become a part of their landscape. As we build our dispensary, we are working to build our community’s trust in us through education – and offering ourselves as a resource for people to learn more about this plant. Misinformation about medical cannabis, what it is capable of, and current research is widespread but at Peake ReLeaf, we want to help people obtain access to quality education alongside quality products – especially for those people for whom educational resources are limited or otherwise unavailable.

We have met with neighboring business owners, including Urban BBQ, Gilly’s, and Siena’s, offering information about medical cannabis – leaving pamphlets and contact information for those that are looking to understand the medical cannabis industry, and more specifically, what Peake ReLeaf is doing and how we will service the patients of Rockville.

Peake ReLeaf Interior APeake ReLeaf Interior B

We are eager to bring our community into one of the most robust economies in the country in terms of products, thoughtful leaders, and regulatory design. As we bring jobs into the area, we will be carrying products that are high-quality and thoroughly lab-tested. This, for us, is about getting sick patients medicine that improves quality of life.

Peake ReLeaf Interior CPeake ReLeaf Interior D

As we continue to break ground, we want to be ground-breaking in how we engage our community, and set a new example for what a medical cannabis dispensary can be.

Edible cannabis chocolates shaped like marijuana leaves in green and brown, scattered on a blue textured surface next to a yellow silhouette of the state of Maryland.

Best Cannabis Edibles in Maryland

In Maryland, cannabis edibles have revolutionized the way consumers can enjoy cannabis, offering a discreet and delicious alternative to traditional consumption methods. Cannabis edibles require

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