710 Origins and Celebrations: Getting You Comfortable with Exploring Cannabis Concentrates

Dabbing isn’t only a played out internet sensation of a dance. It’s a method for consuming cannabis concentrates with potentially stronger effects.

Though the cannabis holiday 710 has passed, curiosity for concentrates doesn’t stop there. If you want to get started but have been scared by all the intricate tools and fiery flames, we got you covered.

You’ll learn about the origin of 710, various concentrate types, methods of consumption and how all of this can better address your condition.


710: History of the Official Cannabis Concentrates Holiday

710 is a new cannabis holiday, harking back to 2011 in a chatroom! And in case you didn’t notice, it’s OIL flipped upside-down.

The father of the holiday is allegedly Eminem-esque flow rapper TaskRok. He loves concentrates so much that he raps about them.

He and his friends figured 420 was too old school for them, so they created this lovely holiday. They sought to inspire a movement. And TaskRok did so with the release of his album The Movement on July 10, 2011.

And as they say, the rest is history.

Though he’s more stoner than medical patient, TaskRok emphasized that this is for the community, as 710 gained notoriety thanks to people-to-people interactions.


Types of Cannabis Concentrates

Concentrates are exactly what the name implies: it’s highly concentrated cannabis. As you know in Maryland, we have flower that is in the 30% range for THC. Concentrates can vary: products contain 40-99% THC, depending on the extraction process. Learn more on that here.

Here are the different types:





Vape Cartridges






Diamonds & Terpenes Sauce




Live Resin






Dab Tabs


There are more types, but these are the main ones that you’ll see at our dispensary.


Ways to Consume Concentrates and Proper Tools Needed

Vape cartridges, capsules and tinctures are pretty straightforward and simple when it comes to usage. However, when it comes to wax, rosin, diamonds and more, you’ll need some additional tools to get started.

If you want more flexibility and discretion with concentrates, you can get heads for your vape battery that heat concentrate like a standard cartridge.

Make sure you clean it regularly as the coils can get clogged easily.

Now onto the seemingly scary stuff like dab rigs, torches and e-nails. But don’t fear! You’ll do fine as long as you’re careful—there’s glass and metal involved, so things can get very hot.

If you’re just starting out, you don’t have to invest heavy just yet.

You’ll want a dabber, a water pipe, possibly dome-less nails and care. A little can go a very long way with concentrates, so start with a small dose. More on that here.


How Cannabis Concentrates Can Work for You

As a patient, you’re not looking to dabbing for a stronger high. So why should you invest in new tools to explore this messy product?

If your tolerance has been climbing and flower isn’t doing the trick for your condition anymore, you may want to explore concentrates. The effects of dabbing are as quick as smoking, so you’ll get a stronger dose. If you’re consuming tinctures, you get the added benefit of longer effects of 3-6 hours.

And it doesn’t matter how old you are.

Technological changes come with the rapid growth of the industry and that means simpler ways for you to medicate if a rig, torch and/or e-nail aren’t up your alley. Older cannabis patients have success with exploring this method.



There’s plenty more to learn with concentrates, but we hope you’re more confident about exploring these types of products. Especially since we have such a huge selection of types available for you!

Thank you to the patients who made it out to our 710 celebration and we hope to see you next year. Let us know if you want a deeper exploration.


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Medical cannabis is for use by certified patients only.


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